Bump to 1 Monthly Subscription- Package 3
A BLACK FRIDAY Bump to 1 Monthly Subscription Offer
A confirmation email with all the details will be sent once the deposit has been paid.
This package includes
A maternity session with all images
A newborn session will all images
A cake smash session with all the images and a cake to match the theme
You pay £85 to secure the package and then £37.50 a month after your first session.
Total price £535, this pacakge usually costs £690 but is at this price until 2nd December- 2 available at this price.
A BLACK FRIDAY Bump to 1 Monthly Subscription Offer
A confirmation email with all the details will be sent once the deposit has been paid.
This package includes
A maternity session with all images
A newborn session will all images
A cake smash session with all the images and a cake to match the theme
You pay £85 to secure the package and then £37.50 a month after your first session.
Total price £535, this pacakge usually costs £690 but is at this price until 2nd December- 2 available at this price.
A BLACK FRIDAY Bump to 1 Monthly Subscription Offer
A confirmation email with all the details will be sent once the deposit has been paid.
This package includes
A maternity session with all images
A newborn session will all images
A cake smash session with all the images and a cake to match the theme
You pay £85 to secure the package and then £37.50 a month after your first session.
Total price £535, this pacakge usually costs £690 but is at this price until 2nd December- 2 available at this price.